Our Church
Our Campus
Our campus is on the south end of beautiful Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The only United Methodist Church on the Island, St. Andrew is conveniently located near Hilton Head’s resorts, the beach, and the Island’s gated communities. We are approximately fifteen minutes from Bluffton, South Carolina, and one hour from Savannah, Georgia. Our campus is comprised of four buildings: the Administrative/Church Office, the Celebration Center, Epworth Children’s Home Office, and the Sanctuary. Starbucks is conveniently located next door.
Sunday services at 9:00 am (traditional), and 11:09 am (modern).

Leadership + Staff
Rev. Jonathan Tompkins
Rev. Frank Lybrand
Lois Chandler
Connie Borgianini
Anna Musselwhite
Bruce Gale
Paula Refice
Bryan Dobbs
Luis Solis
Diane Bollerman
Church Council + Key Leaders 2025
Sarah Coffin, Church Council Chair
Bob Dietz, Church Council Vice-Chair; Finance Chair
Andi Argast, Council Recording Secretary
Jim Gresham + Linda Jennings, Co-Lay Leaders
Rebecca Jones, Outreach + Missions Chair
Lynda Castle, Co-Worship Chair
TBD, Co-Worship Chair
John White, SPPRC Chair
Jeff Herriman, Treasurer
Bruce Siebold, Endowment Chair
TBD, Trustee Chair/Vice-Chair
Lorena Best, Communications Chair
Wendi Klahr, Christian Ed/Family Ministries Chair
Toney Mathews, Scholarship Committee Chair
Bill Putnam, Lay Member to Annual Conference
Merryl Dietz, Lay Member to Annual Conference
Communications Committee: Lorena Best (Chair),
Julie Chalpan, Lesley Kyle, Lois Chandler
Endowment Committee: Bruce Siebold (Chair), Bob Dietz (Finance Chair), Sarah Coffin (Church Council Chair), Karen Kirby, Sherry Conrad
Finance Committee: Bob Dietz (Chair), Jeff Herriman (Treasurer), Norm Argast, Craig Christensen, Melinda Tunner, Jack Biel, Kathy Gresham, Brian Neumann, Paula Refice
Outreach + Missions: Rebecca Jones (Chair + Global), Joe Kerr (Backpack Buddies), Dee Grubb (Family Promise), Kerry Tilden (Disaster Relief), Tom Sharp (Soup Kitchen), Connie Boswell-Smith (Epworth), Pam Denlinger (Christmas Grace), Linda Horwitz (Creating for Good), Lesley Kyle (Thanksgiving Meal), Connie Borgianini (Bridge Builders – interim)
Nominations + Leadership Development Committee:
Bob Williams, Nick Mihelic, Lee Polhill, Connie Borgianini,
Kerry Tilden
Scholarship Committee: Toney Mathews (Chair), Dale Conrad, Karen Bostian, Jody Levitt, Susan Gottlieb, Ann Scott
SPPRC Committee: John White (Chair), Clark Sprang,
Chris McKeag, Rick Coffin, Lynda Castle, Dave Peterson,
Kim Likins, Andi Argast, Marsha Williams, Steve Knuth
Stephen Ministry Leaders + Ministers: Bill Putnam, David Peterson, Nancy Biel, Merryl Dietz, Kathy Wilcox, Joe Kerr, Karen Bostian, Cathy Grove, Pam Denlinger, Lesley Kyle
Media + Tech Team: Jim Phillips, Kerry Tilden, Edward Tompkins, Tripp Nicol, Nick Nicholson, Wayne Dickert
Trustees: (Chair/Vice-Chair TBD), Graham Silcox,
Toney Mathews, Bob Oetjen, Kerry Tilden, Myra Burgess,
David Pirkey, Bob Williams
Co-Lay Leaders sit on all committees
Our History
A complete history of the church has been compiled in loose-leaf binders housed in the Boyd Library in the Admin/Education Building.
Click the arrows to scroll through our history.