
Kids at
St. Andrew

Children are an important part of our gatherings at St. Andrew. All children are welcome to worship with us at St. Andrew By-The-Sea whether they live in our community or are visitors. Here at SABTS, not only do our children get a sense of belonging, but they learn who and whose they are as God’s love is experienced through caring adults who want to share their faith with others. We encourage parents to set priorities for assuring the faith education of their children just as they would for math or reading.


11:09 am, Education Bldg.
Children grades 5 and under are invited to leave the service following the Young People’s Discipleship Moment to participate in fun lessons at their level. Youth grades 6-12 are invited to  assist one Sunday every other month




Children’s Group Meeting

Children age kindergarten through 5th grade will begin meeting once a month on Sundays for food, lessons, and games. Our first children’s group meeting will be March 2nd from 12:30-2pm. Please reach out to Anna for additional questions and future meeting times.



Middle & High School Students at St. Andrew

January 24-26

SABTS Youth are heading to Revolution 2025! Revolution is a weekend long conference in Columbia, SC where youth from all over the state come together and worship Jesus’ name. If your student is interested in this trip, please contact Anna.

February 2
This will be our first biweekly UMYF! Anna will have dinner, games, and time for youth to share what they want to see happen in the youth group throughout the year. Please join us from 5:30-7:30 pm for some awesome fellowship time.


February 9
On this Sunday following worship we will be having a welcome party for our new Director of Family Ministries, Anna Musselwhite! This is a CHURCH-WIDE EVENT. Because it’s also Super Bowl Sunday we’re gonna tailgate. Chicken tenders will be provided; use the QR code sign up to bring your favorite tailgate-themed side or dessert.




February 23

UMYF from 5:30-7:30. We will have dinner, fellowship, and games. Please check out the signups for youth volunteers and  to provide food for a Sunday UMYF meeting.


Scan for Youth Volunteer Signup


For current events and more details, contact Anna Musselwhite, Director of Family Ministries, at 843-785-4711 or email.