The Prayer Quilt Ministry is a way to combine the gift of a quilt, with the gift of prayer, for someone in need. It is a meaningful way to reach out to others in prayer. What better way to help someone in need, than with the power of prayer.
The Prayer Quilt Ministry is an interfaith outreach ministry that is currently being offered in Methodist, Lutheran, United Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Catholic, and non-denominational churches across the United States, and Australia. St. Andrew is Chapter #68.
The purpose of the Prayer Quilt Ministry is not to make and distribute quilts but to promote prayer through the use of quilts. The quilt is simply the prayer carrier. A heavy thread is used to take stitches through the quilt layers, and the ends are left free to be tied with a knot. As each knot is tied, a silent prayer is said for someone in special need, who then receives the finished quilt. This is not just a gift of a quilt, it is a gift of love and prayer. It is a statement of faith in God and in His power to comfort, strengthen, and heal. As a special gift of love, they can be made for sick babies, for adults and children facing health-related problems, or for anyone facing a personal crisis. There are many circumstances when the gift of a Prayer Quilt is appropriate. The only requirement is that the recipient of a Prayer Quilt, or their family, must be prepared and have agreed to receive our gift of prayer. A surprise Prayer Quilt is not appropriate. We can request a Prayer Quilt for ourselves, for a loved one, a friend, or for anyone who is facing a difficult time in their life and would like to receive our prayers. They may be a member of our congregation, or they may live many, many miles from the Lowcountry.
Do you know someone in need, someone who could use the power of our prayers, given to them in the tangible form of a quilt, which can provide them with both physical and spiritual comfort?
You can offer them this healing power of prayer simply by calling the church office at 843-785-4711 to get information.